Our Legacy

A zoom on a floor in a cave, barrels in perspective


Time is at the heart of LOUIS XIII. It is our raw material and each decanter represents the life achievement of generations of Cellar Masters, who rely on the mastery of their predecessors and successors to preserve the taste of LOUIS XIII throughout time.

A zoom on a floor in a cave, barrels in perspective


Created in 1874, LOUIS XIII is the result of the life achievement of Cellar Master, and one of the world’s most prestigious cognac brands. It is made from a blend of up to 1,200 individual eaux-de-vie, using grapes grown in Grande Champagne, encased in a unique decanter.

A black and white photo of a LOUIS XIII decanter in a willow basket

LOUIS XIII Key Milestones

Learn about the History of LOUIS XIII Cognac by Rémy Martin, established in 1874.

A black and white photo of a LOUIS XIII decanter in a willow basket
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Time Collection: City of Lights – 1900

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A packshot of a Louix XIII decanter Decanter registration

Take your LOUIS XIII experience one step further by joining our LOUIS XIII Society. Simply register the number of your decanter to enjoy exclusive access to the world of LOUIS XIII.

Time Collection: City of Lights – 1900